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Полная версия этой страницы: Synthesizer & Dance Covers
Российский Танцевальный Форум > Музыкальные стили > Disco, Hi-NRG, Space-Synth, New-Wave, Synthy-Pop, Italo Pop
Dear friends,
at this page there are my old works,i tried to make some new versions of old great hits,i hope you'll like,and i wanna say "sorry" if there are some wrong parts in this songs..and sorry for the new topic to Moderator unsure.gif Cause some friends asking me that about find the new tracks..
(btw. Odisseus was my old nickname.)

Gurcan - Das Model 2002 (Feat.Kraftwerk)
Gurcan - Dervish D. 2002 (Feat.Vangelis)
Gurcan - Flames of Love 2001 (Feat.Fancy)
Gurcan - Pulstar 2003 (Feat.Vangelis)
Gurcan - Don't Go 2003 (Feat.Yazoo)
Gurcan - Slice Me Nice 2003 (Feat.Fancy)
Gurcan - Song For Denise (Feat.Piano Fantasia)
Gurcan - Visitors 2002 (Feat.Koto)

QUOTE(Gürcan @ 2 Jul 2005, 10:58)
Dear friends,
at this page there are my old works,i tried to make some new versions of old great hits,i hope you'll like,and i wanna say "sorry" if there are some wrong parts in this songs..and sorry for the new topic to Moderator unsure.gif Cause some friends asking me that about find the new tracks..
(btw. Odisseus was my old nickname.)

Gurcan - Das Model 2002 (Feat.Kraftwerk)
Gurcan - Dervish D. 2002 (Feat.Vangelis)
Gurcan - Flames of Love 2001 (Feat.Fancy)
Gurcan - Pulstar 2003 (Feat.Vangelis)
Gurcan - Don't Go 2003 (Feat.Yazoo)
Gurcan - Slice Me Nice 2003 (Feat.Fancy)
Gurcan - Song For Denise (Feat.Piano Fantasia)
Gurcan - Visitors 2002 (Feat.Koto)

I Like This Music

I'm Fan Laserdance/KOTO Music

Thanks for you work
Sergius N
Excuse please, but you could not give working references to songs:
Gurcan - Flames of Love 2001 (Feat.Fancy)
Gurcan - Slice Me Nice 2003 (Feat.Fancy) rolleyes.gif

Very much it would be desirable to listen, but references invalid..

I shall be very grateful!
Nataliya Orlando
Correct variant of a writing in this case is not references, but links.
Sergius N
QUOTE(Nataliya Orlando @ 30 Nov 2007, 16:38)
Correct variant of a writing in this case is not references, but links.

У меня с английским хреново! tongue.gif Проишлось воспользоваться комп. переводчиком!)))))))))

P.S. Благодарю за поправку!
P.P.S. Так ведь и думал, что правильнее будет именно "links"...
Nataliya Orlando
Да я тоже им частенько пользуюсь... Но за два года бесконечных скачиваний уж это-то выучишь...
Без английского как без рук....
конечно он у нас всех "кривоват" с "их" точки зрения, но, гланое, чтобы нас понимали smile.gif

By the way 'Excuse please' that isn`t correct!
'Excuse ME please' that is correct

'I'm Fan Laserdance' that isn`t correct!
'I'm A Fan OF Laserdance' that is correct

(fan - A fan тут я не уверен на 100%)

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